Thursday, November 4, 2010

Practice Practice Practice

The best way to get better at Cumbia is to practice. You can break down the movement into steps and practice them individually until you master each segment and then move on until you eventually master the entire dance.

Drill 1:
Practice by stepping forward and backwards.
Step with right foot forward.
Step with right leg backwards.
Then add a rock with each step.
So it will go like this:
Rock forward > Rock back > Rock forward > Rock back

Drill 2:
Practice by adding in your hip with each rock back and forth.
With this drill all you are doing is adding a hip motion into the movement.
So it will go like this:
Rock forward > Hip > Rock back > Hip > Rock forward > Hip > Rock back > Hip

Drill 3:
Practice at a faster speed.
Do the same movement as before but this time pick up the tempo and move to the beat of the music.

Drill 4:
Practice by adding traveling into the mix.
With this drill you are going to add in the traveling portion of the move.
Which goes like this:
Rock forward > Hip > Travel > Rock back > Hip > Travel > Rock forward > Hip > Travel > Rock back > Hip > Travel

Doing these drills will help both your form and speed of the Cumbia.